duminică, 2 septembrie 2012

Carti din strainatate (3)

Auracle - Gina Rosati

16 year old Anna Rogan has a secret she's only shared with her best friend, Rei; she can astrally project out of her body, allowing her spirit to explore the world and the far reaches of the universe.

When there's a fatal accident and her classmate Taylor takes over Anna's body, what was an exhilarating distraction from her repressive home life threatens to become a permanent state. Faced with a future trapped in another dimension, Anna turns to Rei for help. Now the two of them must find a way to get Anna back into her body and stop Taylor from accusing an innocent friend of murder. Together Anna and Rei form a plan but it doesn't take into account the deeper feelings that are beginning to grow between them.

Ce parere aveti despre carte? Mie mi se pare interesant subiectul cartii. Ador coperta <3. As fi vrut sa traduc prezentarea cartii in romana, dar nu am avut timp.

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